"It's life through
the eyes
of Jimmy James."


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So here are some links I recommend for other fun spots on the net...

[ Personal Websites | Rollercoaster Websites | Entertainment Websites | Miscellaneous Websites ]

  Personal Websites

Mauti Web


This is the website of Tom Mauti, a friend of mine at Kettering.  Full of all sorts of crazy ass shit, it's definitely worth checking out.  His site also includes links to lots of other personal sites out there on the internet.


Mike's Website


I'm not sure what this site is all about right now, but soon it will be Mike's tribute to his car and other such things.  This is definitely a site to check out if you are a car person.


Jeff's Homepage


Jeff is one of my closest friends from the coaster enthusiast community.  We've frequented a few parks together and spent lots of time making fun of things online.  Check his site out for a few laughs.



  Rollercoaster Websites








Cedar Point


The official website for the best amusement park in the world.  Maybe I am biased because I grew up going to this park, but others seem to agree with me.


Guide to the Point


This has to be the best unofficial park website on the internet.  Information regarding just about every part of the park can be found here.  Look for me as ACEerCG in CP Place as well.




This website is the 'Portal to Thrill' for rollercoaster enthusiasts.  If you need to know anything about any ride or park you will most likely find it here.  Once again, look for me in the forums as ACEerCG.




You'll be amazed at the renderings these guys do.  They've modeled both real and imaginary coasters, as well as a few trains.



  Entertainment Websites


Dave Matthews Band


I've been listening to these guys since 1994 when Under the Table and Dreaming came out.  Since then I have seen them in concert a couple of different times in a couple of different cities.  I've yet to find a band that puts out more energy at one of their shows.


Pat McGee Band


These guys are just now starting to gain the publicity and following that they have deserved from the start.  An acoustic rock band, they released their first major label album in April of 2000.  It's called Shine and I suggest you check it out.


  Miscellaneous Websites

Classic Nick Homepage If you watched any bit of Nickelodeon when you were a kid you need to check this page out.  It has listings of all those shows we grew up watching and gives descriptions of each.  I can't even tell you how many shows I found that I had totally forgotten about.
Computer Stupidities If you want a good laugh I suggest checking this site out.  Contained within you will find pages upon pages of people attempting to deal with different issues regarding computer usages.  This is good for a few hours of quality entertainment.